Privacy Policy

We take your privacy seriously, and as such, this document is designed to clearly outline what kind of data collects, and how it uses it. Personal information is any data with which a user (you) could be personally identified.


Who collects your data

All data collected on this website (, its blog ( and its forum ( is processed by LinuxServer's Data Protection Officer.

What data is collected?

The level of data that collects is dependent on which site you visit. Some of this data is classified as Personally Identifiable Information - data that can be directly linked to you as a person or entity. Not all information logged or obtained by is personally identifiable.

  1. Website
    • None
  2. Blog
    • Browser vendor and version
    • Operating System
    • Your Device - Model and Brand
    • Screen Resolution
    • IP Address (anonymised by removing the last two digits)
    • Referral Website
  3. Forum
    • IP Address (Logging)
    • Your Name
    • Your Email Address
    • Your Username
How your data is used

The data collected by is used to help improve its services to its users. Details such as IP address (broad geolocation), referral websites, and device type helps understand on a broad basis where its readers/users are coming from, how long they stay, and what kind of content they gravitate to. If you sign up to the forum, the email address you provide will be used for login and password recovery purposes. No data collected by is used to tailor specific user journeys for any individual or entity. You data is not used for marketing purposes and will not be used to attempt to sell products to you.

How your data is stored

All analytical data is stored on a privately hosted server provided by Hetzner in a secure database. Only the Data Protection Officer has direct access to this data via the database. The data is made available to select staff via its analytics web interface. Forum-related data is stored as part of the forum database, which is secured and rendered inaccessible to those without the required credentials.

Third-party access to your data

None of the data collected and used by is accessible by any third party. We do not sell your data to any third-party. We never will.

Third-party data used by provides an API that retrieves the pull count of Docker images hosted on Docker Hub. This data is anonymous and can not be used to identify an individual user.

Data Collection Methods

Server Log Files

When browsing to any site owned by, a web access log is generated by the underlying web server and/or software running in it. These logs contain information such as:

  • Request access time
  • IP address
  • Referal URL/address
  • Operating sytem

Cookies are small pieces of data that reside in your web browser. uses analytical cookies to identify you as a "session user" in order for your journey to be tracked when you browse the blog. The content of this cookie does not contain any personally identifiable information. It does, however, link your page views to your anonymised IP address.

Cookie Name Usage
_pk_id A unique identifer randomly generated which is used by the analytics to track your journey through the blog.
_pk_ses A session identifier - used in conjunction with your analytics identifier.

Disabling cookies on the website and blog will not affect your ability to consume content. Disabling cookies on the forum may affect your ability to remain signed in.

Managing your data

Revocation of consent

As part of the registration process for the forum, express consent must be given by you before completion allowing to use the data you provide to contact you if required. You may at any time revoke consent for to contact you regarding updates to its services.

Your rights regarding the data holds about you

You have the right to request some or all of the data that holds about you. You can do this by contacting's Data Protection Officer (outlined below). will ensure to provide you with any personally identifiable information held about you. This does not include analytical data used for blog tracking as all analytical data is anonymised. holds very little personally identifiable information about its users - if you request this data, you should expect to receive a relatively small amount of data back.

Contacting the Data Protection Officer

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), processes all data as both a Processor and as a Controller. If you wish to contact's Data Protection Officer regarding your data, you can email them at: Contact can be made in order to:

  • Request access to any personally identifiable information that has about you. This data can then be used by you for your own purposes.
  • Correct any personally identifiable information that has about you.
  • Request that any part of or all personally identifiable information held by about you be removed permanently.
  • Restrict, suppress or block processing of your personally identifiable information - doing so may restrict your ability to access the forum.
  • Gain further understanding of any information holds about you.

Payment service providers

Open Collective provides a means for its users to donate via the Open Collective. Any donations/payments made to will include the payment data supplied to Open Collective. The team maintains no copies of transaction data made via the Open Collective.